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LI, Yi
E-mail: liyi(AT)pku.edu.cn
Office Address: Jinguang Life Science Building,Peking University, No.5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District,Beijing, P.R.China 100871
Lab Phone: 62759651
Lab Address: Jinguang Life Science Building,Peking University, No.5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District,Beijing, P.R.China 100871
Lab Homepage: http://
Personal Homepage: http://
1979.9-1983.7: BSc, Plant Pathology Department, Northwestern Agricultural University.
1983.9-1986.7: MSc, Plant Pathology Department, Northwestern Agricultural University.
1988.12-1992.7: Ph.D, Federal Biological Research Center, Institute of Biochemistry and Plant Virology, Germany.
1992.7-1994.6: Postdoctor fellow, Department of Biology, Peking University.
Professional Experience
1988.12-1992.7: Ph.D, The Institute for Biochemistry and Plant Virology, Germany / Institute of Microbiology Chinese Academy of Sciences
1992.7-1994.6: Postdocotor fellow, Peking University, College of Life Sciences
2000.1-2000.5: Samuel Noble Foundation,Plant Biology Centre, Rockefeller Foundation fellow.
2001.8-2003.7: Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley.

Honors and Awards
Excellent Youth Scientist, 2000, Ministry of Education, China
Distinguished Young Scholars of China, 2001, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Mao Yisheng Excellent Youth Scientist, 2001,
National Excellent Postdoctor Fellow, 2005, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, China
Science and Technology Progress Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2000
Professional Society Affiliations
Member of American Society for Virology, 2015-now.
Member of American Phytopathology Society, 2012-now.
Stirring Committee Member of the International Plasmodesmata Society 2003-2008.
Chinese Society of Plant Pathology, Chair of Biotechnology 2006-2017.
Chinese Society of Plant Pathology, Chair of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction 2017-now.
Chinese Society of Plant Pathology, Chair of Plant Virology 2016-now.
Chinese Society of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, Chair of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction 2012-2016.
Chinese Society of Microbiology, Vise Chair of Virology, 2012-now.
Editorial Activities
Phytopathology Research, Associate editor (2019-今);
Virologica Sinica, Associate editor (2012-今);
Frontier in Plant Science, Associate editor (2014-今);
Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions (MPMI), Senior editor (2019-今)。
Grant Review/Study Section Membership
National Natural Science Foundation of China,
Natural Science Foundation (US),
Canadian Agricultural and Food Adminstartion.
Meeting Organizers and Session Chairs
1. XVII Molecular Plant and Microbial Interactions (MPMI) Congress, Co-chair, Concurrent Session 17 (Microbial Manipulation of the Host II). Title: Small RNA mediated Antiviral Defense in Rice. July, 17-21, 2016, Portland, Oregon, USA.
2. XIV International Botany Congress,IBC, 2017 July,Co-chair:Microbial - Host Interactions, Title: MicroRNA Mediated Plant Antiviral Defense,Shenzhen, China.
Editorial Activities
Senior Editor, MPMI, Jan. 2018- now.
Guest Editor, Frontier of Plant Science, Jan. 2017-now.
Associate Editor, Plant Pathology, China 2006–now.
Associate Editor, Virologica Sinica, 2010-now.
Editorial Board Member, Science in China, 2008–2012.
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Plant Biology 2008–2015.
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Agro-Biotechnology, 2010 –now.
Books and Book Chapter
Huang Y & Li Y. Chapter 00436, Plant Reoviruses (Reoviridae), Encyclopedia of Virology 4th edition, edited by Fauquet Claude M, 2019.
现代分子生物学,高教出版社,朱玉贤,李毅等,2007, 第三版。
Research Interests
Research Fields:

Current projects focus on virus–host interactions and structural studies on host factors involved in virus-host interaction and plant defense against pathogens. These projects fall into several specific topics:
1. Interactions between host and viruses and disease induction;
2. Virus induced gene silencing and silencing suppression;
3. Interactions between virus and its insect vector.

Representative Peer-Reviewed Publications
1.*Zhao S, Li Y. Current understanding of the interplays between host hormones and plant viral infections. PLOS Pathogens. 2021, 17(2): e1009242. (IF=6.218)
2.Wang H, Li Y, Chern M, Zhu Y, Zhang L, Lu J, Li X, Dang W, Ma X, Yang Z, Yao S, Zhao Z, Fan J, Huang Y, Zhang J, Pu M, Wang J, He M, Li W, Chen X, Wu X, Li S, Li P, Li Y, Ronald P, Wang W. Suppression of rice miR168 improves yield, flowering time and immunity. Nature Plants. 2021, 7:129-136. (IF=13.256)
3.*Yang Z, Huang Y, Yang J, Yao S, Zhao K, Wang D, Qin Q, Bian Z, Li Y, Lan Y, Zhou T, Wang H, Liu C, Wang W, Qi Y, Xu Z, Li Y. Jasmonate signaling enhances RNA silencing and antiviral defense in rice. Cell Host & Microbe. 2020, 28:89-103. (IF=15.923)
4.Zhang H, Li L, He Y, Qin Q, Chen C, Wei Z, Tan X, Xie K, Zhang R, Hong G, Li J, Li J, Yan C, Yan F, Li Y, Chen J, Sun Z. Distinct modes of manipulation of rice auxin response factor OsARF17 by different plant RNA viruses for infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 2020, 117:9112-9121. (IF=9.412)
5.*Qin Q, Li G, Jin L, Huang Y, Wang Y, Wei C, Xu Z, Yang Z, Wang H, Li Y. Auxin response factors (ARFs) differentially regulate rice antiviral immune response against Rice dwarf virus. PLOS Pathogens. 2020,16(12):e1009118. (IF=6.218)
6.*Gao F., Zhao S., Men S., Kang Z., Hong J., Wei C., Hong W., and Li Y. A non-structural protein encoded by Rice Dwarf Virus targets to the nucleus and chloroplast and inhibits local RNA silencing. Science China Life Sciences. 2020, 63, 1703-1713. (IF=4.611)
7.*Wang Y, Qiao R, Wei C, Li Y. Rice dwarf virus small RNA profiles in rice and leafhopper reveal distinct patterns in cross-kingdom hosts. Viruses. 2019, 11, 847:1-12. (IF=3.811)
8.*Yao S, Yang Z, Yang R, Huang Y, Guo G, Kong X, Lan Y, Zhou T, Wang H, Wang W, Cao X, Wu J, and Li Y. Transcriptional regulation of miR528 by OsSPL9 orchestrates antiviral response in rice. Molecular Plant. 2019, 12:1114-1122. (IF=12.084)
9.张杰, 董莎萌, 王伟, 赵建华, 陈学伟, 郭惠珊, 何光存, 何祖华, 康振生, 李毅, 彭友良, 王国梁, 周雪平, 王源超, 周俭民. 植物免疫研究与抗病虫绿色防控: 进展、机遇与挑战.中国科学:生命科学. 2019.
10.*Huang Y, and Li Y. Secondary siRNAs rescue virus-infected plants. Nature Plants. 2018, 4: 136-137. (IF=13.256)
11.*Yang Z, and Li Y. Dessection of RNAi-based antiviral immunity in plants. Current Opinion in Virology. 2018, 32: 88-99. (IF=4.985)
12.Fu S, Xu Y, Li C, Li Y, Wu J, Zhou X. Rice strip virus interferes with S-acylation of remorin and induces its autophagic degradation to facilitate virus infection. Molecular Plant. 2018, 11:269-287. (IF=12.084)
13.*Zhao S, Hong W, Wu J, Wang Y, Ji S, Zhu S, Wei C, Zhang J, Li Y. A viral protein promotes host SAMS1 activity and ethylene production for the benefit of virus infection. eLife. 2017, 6. e27529. (IF=7.080)
14.*Zheng L, Zhang C, Shi C, Yang Z, Wang Y, Zhou T, Sun F, Wang H, Xie L, Wu J, Li Y. Rice stripe virus NS3 protein regulates primary miRNA processing through association with the miRNA biogenesis factor OsDRB1 and facilitates virus infection in rice. PLOS Pathogens. 2017,13(10): e1006662. (IF=6.218)
15.*Jia D, Mao Q, Chen Y, Liu Y, Chen Q, Wu W, Zhang X, Chen H, Li Y, and Wei T. Insect symbiotic bacteria harbour viral pathogens for transovarial transmission. Nature Microbiology. 2017, 2: 17025. (IF=15.540)
16.*Wu J, Yang R, Yang Z, Yao S, Zhao S, Wang Y, Li P, Song X, Jin L, Zhou T, Lan Y, Xie L, Zhou X, Chu C, Qi Y, Cao X, and Li Y. ROS accumulation and antiviral defence control by microRNA528 in rice. Nature Plants. 2017, 3: 16203. (IF=13.256)
17.*Jin L, Qin Q, Wang Y, Pu Y, Liu L, Wen X, Ji S, Wu J, Wei C, Ding B, and Li Y. Rice Dwarf Virus P2 Protein Hijacks Auxin Signaling by Directly Targeting the Rice OsIAA10 Protein, Enhancing Viral Infection and Disease Development. PLOS Pathogens. 2016, 12(9): e1005847. (IF=6.218)
18.*Li Y, and Qu F. Plant Genome Surveillance by Small RNAs and Long Noncoding RNAs. Reviews in Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. 2016, 2: 2, 208-231.
19.Wei T, and Li Y. Rice Reoviruses in Insect Vectors. Annual Review of Phytopathology. 2016, 54 : 99-120. (IF=12.623)
20.Wang Y, Qu J, Ji S, Wallace A J, Wu J, Li Y, Gopalan V, and Ding B. A Land Plant-Specific Transcription Factor Directly Enhances Transcription of a Pathogenic Noncoding RNA Template by DNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase II. The Plant Cell. 2016, 28(5): 1094-1107. (IF=9.618 )
Molecular Virology
Laboratory Introduction

Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the most important food crops as well as an experimental model plant for monocotyledonous plants (monocots). However, rice production and consequently food sustainability are under the constant threat of emerging and reemerging viral diseases. Rice viral pathogens are genetically diverse and many highly pathogenic viruses such as Rice stripe tenuivirus (RSV) and Rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) Rice dwarf phytoreovirus (RDV) are transmitted persistently and solely by arthropod vectors. RSV and RBSDV are transmitted by brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus) and RDV is transmitted by leafhopper (Nephotettix cincticeps) in a circulative manner, both RDV and RSV also can be transmitted through eggs of the viruliferious female insects.Current projects focus on virus–host interactions and structural studies on host factors involved in virus-host interaction and plant defense against pathogens. These projects fall into several specific topics:
1. Interactions between host and viruses and disease induction;
2. Virus induced gene silencing and silencing suppression;
3. Interactions between virus and its insect vector;

Laboratory Members:Group leader: Yi Li, Ph. D., Professor
Group members: Chunhong Wei, Liying Wang, Zhenjia Zhang,Xiangyue Kong,Shengze Yao,Yu Huang, Keyan Xu, Ge Guo, Kun Zhao, Guangyao Li, Baoping Yang, Zhaoxiong Jiang, Jialin Yang, Jinrui Kang, Heran Wang