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Core Facility


Core Facilities of School of Life Sciences, aiming to manage public equipments of our school, was officially put to operation in April, 2010 upon a decision of establishment in September, 2009.

Equipment and Staff

At present, there are 7 equipment management specialists and 2 postdoctoral fellow at Core Facilities. Its large-scale equipments can be categorized into the following platforms as below:

  • • DNA sequencing platform: Sanger sequencing on ABI3730xl DNA Analyzer and some associate facilities for wide variety of sequencing services.
  • • Electron microscopy platform: Including FEI Tecnai G2 20 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and seven specimen preparation apparatuses such as ultramicrotomes (Leica UC7/FC7), glass knife maker, sputter coater, freeze substitution system, bechtop plasma cleaner and automated routine tissue processor.
  • • Bioimaging platform: 7 sets of bioimaging facility, containing: Zeiss LSM-710NLO &DuoScan two-photon laser scanning confocal microscopy; API DeltaVision live cell system, PE UltraVIEWVoX spinning-disk confocal microscopy; MD ImageXpressMicroXL high content live cell imaging microscopy; IONSCOPE ICnanoS2 scanning ion conductance microscopy; Nikon N-SIM super resolution microscopy;  Nikon N-STORM super resolution microscopy, and Bitplane Imaris multidimensional image processing and analyzing software.
  • • Flow cytometry  platform: Including MoFloXDP high-speed cell sorting system (Beckman Coulter) and BD FACSCalibur flow cytometry. Other two flow cytometers on the way.
  • • Protein platform: Including Real-time quantitative PCR detecting system; Cell disruptor system; Surface plasmon resonance protein analyzer; Protein purification chromatography system; Circular Dichroismchiroptical spectrometer and so on.
  • • Centrifuge platform: Including High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuges; Preparative ultracentrifuges and Refrigeration Dryer;
  • • Isotope Laboratory: To serve and help all users work with radioactive materials or machines in a safe and secure manner.

Core Facilities is undertaking the operation management of bioimaging platform and protein platform from National Center for Protein Science (PHOEIX). Five large-scale imaging devices (optical tweezers, etc) will be purchased to the two platforms along with ELISA analysis and detection system, incubated stackable shakers,high capacity incubators, WAVE bioreactors, etc.