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LIU, Jun
E-mail: junliu1223(AT)pku.edu.cn
Office Phone: 62767268
Office Address: Jinguang Life Science Building,Peking University, No.5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District,Beijing, P.R.China 100871
Lab Phone: 62767299
Lab Address: Jinguang Life Science Building,Peking University, No.5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District,Beijing, P.R.China 100871
Lab Homepage: http://
Personal Homepage: http://
2010.9 - 2015.7, Ph.D. in Chemical Biology, Peking University
2006.9 – 2010.7, B.S. in Chemistry, Peking University
Professional Experience
2020.9 - present, Investigator, Peking-Tsinghua Centers for Life Sciences
2020.9 - present, Investigator, School of Life Sciences, Peking University
2015.11 - 2020.8, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago
Honors and Awards
Bayer Investigator, 2022
Peking University Boya Young Fellow, 2022
Yi Fang Investigator, 2021
Beijing Nova program, 2021
Research Interests
Our lab focuses on study the molecular mechanisms and biological functions of RNA modification and non-coding RNA. We integrate multiple research approaches including epigenetics, molecular biology, high-throughput sequencing, etc., to uncover the novel regulatory pathways of RNA modification/ncRNA on chromatin state and gene transcription, and to further explore their biological relevance in stem cell differentiation, anti-tumor immunity, cancers and senescence.
Representative Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. Dou, X. Y.*, Huang, L. L.*, Xiao, Y.*, Liu, C., Li, Y. N., Zhang, X. N., Yu, L. S., Zhao, R., Yang, L., Chen, C., Yu, X. B., Gao, B. Y., Qi, M. J., Gao, Y. W., Shen, B., Sun, S. Y., He, C.#, Liu, J.# METTL14 is a chromatin regulator independent of its RNA N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase activity. Protein Cell 2023, just accepted.
2. Liu, J.*, Dou, X. Y.*, Chen, C. Y.*, Chen, C., Liu, C., Xu, M. M., Zhao, S. Q., Shen, B., Gao, Y. W., Han, D. L., He, C. N6-methyladenosine of chromosome-associated regulatory RNA regulates chromatin state and transcription. Science 2020, 367, 580-586.
3. Wang, M.*, Liu, J.*, Zhao, Y.*, He, R.*, Xu, X., Guo, X.; Li, X., Xu, S., Miao, J., Guo, J., Zhang, H., Gong, J., Zhu, F., Tian, R., Shi, C., Peng, F., Feng, Y., Yu, S., Xie, Y., Jiang, J., Li, M.#, Wei, W.#, He, C.#, Qin, R.# Upregulation of METTL14 mediates the elevation of PERP mRNA N6 adenosine methylation promoting the growth and metastasis of pancreatic cancer. Mol. Cancer 2020, 19, 130.
4. Hou, J.*; Zhang, H.*; Liu, J.*; Zhao, Z.; Wang, J.; Lu, Z.; Hu, B.; Zhou, J.; Zhao, Z.; Feng, M.; Zhang, H.; Shen, B.; Huang, X.; Sun, B.; Smyth, M.; He, C.; Xia, Q. YTHDF2 reduction fuels inflammation and vascular abnormalization in hepatocellular carcinoma. Mol. Cancer 2019, 18, 163-179.
5. Han, D*.; Liu, J*.; Chen, C.; Dong, L.; Huang, X.; Liu, Y.; Wang, J.; Dougherty, U.; Bissonnette, B.; Shen, B.; Weichselbaum, R.; Xu, M.; He, C. Anti-tumor immunity controlled through mRNA m6A and YTHDF1 in dendritic cells. Nature, 2019, 566, 270-274.
6. Liu, J.*; Eckert, M.*; Harada, B.*; Liu, S.*; Lu, Z.; Yu, K.; Tienda, S.; Chryplewicz, A.; Zhu, A.; Yang, Y.; Huang, J.; Chen, S.; Xu, Z.; Leng, X.; Yu, X.; Cao, J.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, J.; Lengyel, E.; He, C. m6A mRNA methylation regulates AKT activity to promote the proliferation and tumorigenicity of endometrial cancer. Nat. Cell Biol. 2018, 20, 1074-1083.
7. Yue, Y.*; Liu, J.*; Cui, X.*; Cao, J.*; Luo, G.; Zhang, Z.; Gao, M.; Shu, X.; Ma, H.; Wang, F.; Shen, B.; Wang, Y.; Feng, X.; He, C.; Liu, J. VIRMA mediates preferential m6A mRNA methylation in 3`UTR and near stop codon and associates with alternative polyadenylation. Cell. Discov. 2018, 4, 10-26.

(*co-authors contributed equally; #Corresponding authors)

The Leading Edges of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, undergraduate course
The Basic Principle of Modern Biology (I), graduate course
Laboratory Introduction

Laboratory Phone:010-62767299